Terms and Conditions

WAY OUT CAR/CARAVAN RENTAL offers services for trips in the UAE with upgraded vehicles to create the most comfortable journey. We give you access to unforgettable time to explore UAE. This Agreement governs the relationship, rights, and obligations between WAY OUT Car Rental and the Client for the use of WAY OUT Car Rental vehicles.


The Client, confirm that they received all information from WAY OUT. The Client declares that he/she understands this agreement contains terms related to damages, liability and that they understand that this agreement may impact their rights and responsibilities in the event of any damage to WAY OUT vehicles or third parties. By applying for renting or using WAY OUT vehicle the Client agrees as follows.

1.Eligibility Requirement The Client age is required to be 23 years old or above, holding a valid UAE driving license for 1 year or above (not expired more than 1 month from the date of expiry on the UAE Driving license), or other country driver license, under the same conditions as the UAE driving license, which are recognized as per the concerned Authorities in UAE. He/She needs to be in a mental and physical health state which fulfils and complies with the legal requirements of UAE laws.

   The Client has reviewed the Eligibility Requirements and guarantees that they are Eligible.  The Client agrees to cooperate in providing WAY OUT all material facts and information necessary to confirm their acceptability. WAY OUT reserves the right to request additional information, at any time. WAY OUT reserves itself the right to decline a client at its own discretion. Nothing in this Agreement transfers or otherwise conveys ownership or any right, title, or interest in any property to the Client, including any WAY OUT vehicles.

2.Ending Agreement 

A) By Client. The Client may end this Agreement only after: informing WAY OUT, paying all outstanding Fees, and returning all WAY OUT property which were under the Client control.

B) By WAY OUT. WAY OUT may end the Agreement of use of the WAY OUT Vehicle and inform the appropriate authorities if it believes there is a violation of UAE laws or this Agreement, including the Terms of Use or a misuse of the vehicle. This includes:

– loss of WAY OUT property.

– do not informing WAY OUY of any defect with a WAY OUT vehicle adversely affecting the operation or safety of that WAY OUT vehicle;

– do not follow this Agreement or do not paying the agreed amount of any fees; 

– fails to maintain Eligibility; 

– has informed incorrect or false  facts to WAY OUT required to be disclosed under this Agreement;

3.Return WAY OUT vehicle /property. At the end of the booking date or before the Client is responsible to return WAY OUT Vehicle back to WAY OUT’s Dubai delivery point. After handing over WAY OUT property/vehicle this Agreement will be ended, if the Client do not return to WAY OUT’s Dubai delivery point any WAY OUT Vehicle/property at the agreed time and date, he/she will have to pay incurred penalty.

4. Costs The Client will be responsible to pay any legal fees, court costs, or expenses associated with enforcing any term or conditions of this Agreement, whether upon termination or otherwise and including any costs relating to recovering any of the foregoing property or any amounts due and owing to WAY OUT.

 5. Parking Rules The Client shall only park the WAY OUT vehicle in legal parking areas where the parking is legally allowed. All frees related to parking will be covered by the Client and is on Client responsibility to comply regulations with the concerned Authorities.

6. Vehicle Reservation A WAY OUT Vehicle may be reserved by a Client through the WAY OUT Website.  Multiple reservations are chargeable as per pricing list.

7. Inspection for Damage Client must inspect the interior and exterior of the WAY OUT vehicle for any visible defects, damages, or excessive soiling and must immediately notify WAY OUT of any observed defects, damages, or problems to or with the vehicle itself or with the internal designs. If any defects, damages, or excessive soiling are discovered prior to starting the trip, the Client must inform WAY OUT before starting the trip. If Client face issues using WAY OUT Vehicle he/she must inform immediately to the following number +971525451497. Any non-informed defects, damages, or problems with the WAY OUT vehicle will be covered by the Client at the end of the trip.

8. Area of Operation The Client can use WAY OUT vehicle within the UAE, but must end and return the vehicle only at  WAY OUT’s Dubai delivery point. If the Client causes or allows a WAY OUT vehicle to travel outside Dubai, the Client will be responsible for costs and fees associated with returning the vehicle to Dubai, including, but not limited, the costs associated with vehicle repair, motor-vehicle accidents or collisions, and towing services. The Client is responsible for all incurred fees and charges until the vehicle is returned to Dubai. None of the WAY OUT vehicles are allowed to be moved or driven outside the UAE.

9. Obligations on Ending a Trip When the Client wishes to end a trip, the Client shall:  Return the WAY OUT vehicle to WAY OUT’s Dubai delivery point and inform a WAY OUT agent at least 2 hours before arriving to WAY OUT’s Dubai delivery point.  Ensure that the Key along with the Key Fob/Key Chip has been returned in the Vehicle. Make sure that car fuel is at least 25% fuel tank full or more, when ending the trip. Ensure that all windows doors and trunks are fully closed, and that all internal and external lights have been turned off; 

10.Payments The Client’s payments can be made by Cash, MasterCard, Visa Card, or such other method as WAY OUT may authorize in its sole discretion from time to time. She/he authorizes WAY OUT including its employees or any agent to charge the payment. 

11. Refund of Deposit Along with the booking fees of any WAY OUT vehicle the client must pay the Security Deposit, which refundable after 14 days of returning the WAY OUT vehicle back to WAY OUT’s Dubai delivery point.


12. Uninsured Damage The Client is responsible for all damage, which are not covered by insurance of WAY OUT along all the Trip Period and is responsible for the full costs of any uninsured damages or injuries caused to WAY OUT Car Rental vehicle or third parties or to their property including: the repair costs (Only In Scuderia Motor Design, Dubai, UAE); injuries to third parties; cost for recovery or transportation of  WAY OUT vehicle; the loss of use of  WAY OUT vehicles. WAY OUT reserves the right to charge damage according to its own judgment. In case of any loss or damage during a Trip Period and insurance coverage is lost or otherwise does not apply due to the actions or conduct of the Client, then the Client is responsible to cover the full cost of any loss or damage.  The Client must report about any collision, accident or damage to  WAY OUT vehicle resulting from force or accident in the manner specified in this Agreement, together with a report to police as required.

13. Coverage WAY OUT provides free of cost Comprehensive insurance coverage for all of it vehicle, which includes the full insurance of the Vehicle as well as basic coverage for the driver and passengers.

14. Limit of WAY OUT Liability WAY OUT will not be liable to the Client for indirect, or consequential damages or any economic losses of any kind, regardless of whether the liability to which such damages relate arises in contract, tort, or otherwise in law, for any injury, loss, or damage sustained by the arising from this Agreement or the Client’s use of a WAY OUT vehicle.
